a productive morning routine for success

A Productive Morning Routine For Success

How to have a productive morning routine for success. Learn 10 morning habits that will make you more productive.

I was never a morning person until recently. I found a love for the calm and stillness of the morning. It’s almost therapeutic to have a morning routine that works for you. These are all the tips that have helped me have a productive morning for a successful day.

To begin, your morning routine starts the day before. I never believed this, but it’s 100% true. I used to eat junk food the night before and wake up feeling like shit. Once I stopped that, I woke up feeling so much better! That was life-changing. Another thing is to get 8 hours of sleep because research says that’s the golden number.

Okay, now let’s talk about how you can have a successful morning routine for a productive day.

1. “Hitting Snooze Ruins Your Brain”

I saw a video on Youtube with Mel Robbins talking about how hitting the snooze button can make you more tired. I’ll link it here, but she basically talks about how hitting the snooze button kills your productivity for at least four hours. When we sleep, we sleep in cycles and when the alarm goes off in the morning your brain wakes up. But when you snooze your alarm, your brain goes back to sleep. After that snooze you just had, you feel even more tired and groggy than before! This is called sleep inertia and this KILLS productivity, decision-making, attention, alertness, and self-control because that part of your brain is still sleeping. To make yourself more productive in the morning, don’t press the snooze button, count 5,4,3,2,1 then wake up. I promise this works every time!

2. Don’t Look at Phone

I’ve talked about how I try not to look at my phone in the morning because it kills how productive I am throughout the day. If I grab my phone and open up my email, I’ll then open Instagram, then I’ll open Twitter, then Snapchat and now I stayed in bed for over thirty minutes doing absolutely nothing. It’s a waste of time, I’m not being productive and it honestly ruins my morning routine because I now have less time to do everything else. I listed 15 things you can do instead of looking at your phone here.

Recommended: What To Do Instead of Using Your Phone When You Wake Up

3. Drink A Glass of Water

WOW, this honestly helps so much in the morning! Sometimes I wake up feeling tired even though I just had 8 hours of sleep. I found out that essentially your body is dehydrated from not drinking water all night, and when you’re dehydrated you’re tired. Now I drink a tall glass of water every morning and I swear it wakes me up every time! I prefer mine with ice to really wake me up! Being hydrated will make you more productive in the morning, so be sure to grab a glass of water instead of coffee next time.

4. Write In Journal

This is something I’m going to try out this month, and that is journaling every morning. I’m constantly hearing about how journaling for a few minutes in the morning can help with productivity. There are a lot of prompts online that I’m going to use and some I’ll just write my own. I think starting your day with a challenge or a question that gets you thinking will allow you to be more mindful for the rest of the day.

I listened to this podcast episode of TSC Him & Her podcast, where they talk about how stillness and taking time for yourself in the morning will set you up for a successful day. Here is my favorite journal.

5. Plan Your Day

I love to have a cup of coffee and just plan out my day. I make a list of everything I need to get done that day, then I prioritize the tasks. I make sure to keep the list short and important. I won’t add things that I know I will not get done. I feel like it is pointless and adds unnecessary stress. I usually try to keep it at 6 important tasks, because it’s reasonable and accomplishable. I actually use a physical planner and Google Calendar. I love and need both for different reasons. I can write a whole post on how I stay organized another time.

Recommended: How To Organize and Plan A Productive Day

6. Start With the Worst Task / “Eat the Frog”

Going along with planning your day, make sure to start with the task you don’t want to do. It’s also called “Eat the Frog” which sounds gross, but Mark Twain once said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” It basically means if you don’t get the worst task other with first, you’ll just procrastinate all day. Once you get the one thing you don’t want to do out of the way, your day seems a little better and you look forward to doing the other things. It’s almost like a sense of relief when you do the worst task first.

7. Listen to A Podcast

I love listening to podcasts anytime during the day but listening to them when I get ready gives me the motivation to have a productive day. If you haven’t started listening to podcasts then I highly recommend you do! They always motivate me to live a better life, get shit done, and be successful by my own standards. I can do a whole post about who I listen to and why, but right now I am loving The Skinny Confidential: Him & Her podcast. It’s all about business, wellness, mindset, blogging tips, and more!

Recommended: 5 Inspiring Podcasts by Successful Women

8. Exercise or Meditate

Numerous research says exercise is the perfect way to start your morning off productive. Exercise releases endorphins that make you happy. It also helps your body and brain wake up and get going. You can start by just going for a walk then start doing an actual workout. I’ve watched a lot of those “Successful Morning Routines by Successful People” videos and almost all of them work out in the morning! If you don’t have time to work out, then try meditating for at least 10 minutes when you wake up. Meditating in the morning helps set a calm and productive tone for the rest of the day.

Having trouble meditating? Try just closing your eyes and setting an intention for the day. For example, “I’m going to work hard so I can have a productive day and get things done”. 

Recommended: How to Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy & Exercise Every Day

9. Make A Healthy Breakfast

Do not, I repeat, do not skip breakfast! Skipping breakfast will ruin your productivity for the rest of the day. You’ll feel more hungry around lunchtime and you’ll just eat whatever you can find. Eating a healthy breakfast will fuel your body with the nutrients you need to have a successful day.

Not hungry in the morning? Try making a green smoothie with protein powder to have as a meal. Sometimes I throw in some matcha for some caffeine! This is my favorite healthy breakfast that I have almost every morning!

Recommended: Healthy Meals & Snacks I’ve Been Loving | Instagram Round-Up

10. Get Ready No Matter What

Staying home on Sunday or working from home, doesn’t matter, you should get ready as if you’re leaving the house. This will trick your brain into thinking it’s in working mode (which it is) and you’ll be more productive during the day! If you stay in sweatpants all day, you’ll feel lazy and less motivated to get off the couch. I like putting on a little makeup and a cute outfit for an extra confidence boost.

Recommended:  5 Easy & Casual Everyday Outfit Ideas + 5 Minute Makeup Routine 

Ready to Have A Productive Morning?

Start your morning routine with a digital life planner. This neutral aesthetic life planner is the only Notion Template you’ll need to plan and organize your entire life all in one place.

Who is it for?

  You need one place to plan and organize your entire life

  A “second brain” to store all your tasks, routines, trackers, and goals

  You love a neutral aesthetic theme

  New to Notion (beginner-friendly)

What’s Included:

•  Life Dashboard – A glance at all the routines, trackers, and planners

•  The Planner – Weekly and daily planner to manage top priorities and tasks

•  Morning & Night Routines – Routines to keep you productive and focused

•  Yearly Goals Tracker – Track your yearly goals and display your vision board

•  Habit Tracker – Track your daily habits and progress toward your goals

•  40 Affirmations – A page dedicated to personal, money, career, and self-love affirmations

•  Weekly Reset Routine – A weekly routine to help you reset and start fresh

•  Monthly Reset Routine – A monthly routine to help you reflect and plan for a new month

•  Meal Planner – Plan your meals for the week and keep track of your grocery list

•  Workout Planner – Create and track your workout routines

•  Budget Tracker – Track income/expenses and manage your savings and budget

•  Reading Tracker – Track your reading goals + plan future reads with a to-be-read (TBR) list

•  How to Use Guide PDF – A PDF guide on how to use and navigate the template

If you want to have a productive morning routine, follow this checklist! Save to your phone, Pinterest board or print it out!

productive morning routine

Until next time, 

FTC: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links at no extra cost to you.

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  1. Absolutely agree with all the ideas! I still have trouble not looking at the phone!? i have begun picking up a book instead and its a much relaxing substitute to the bathroom time?
    Also getting your clothes etc ready for the morning, just before you go to sleep is the best way to get the morning started right!?
    Great post!?

    1. I love reading a chapter from a book in the morning! Picking out an outfit the night before is such a good tip! Thanks for sharing (:


    2. I agree with you on every topic you touched! I just recently been better at productivity. I was a nurse for 15 years now I’m blogging which is a huge change! The podcasts I haven’t done yet but very soon in my future, thank you for sharing♥️

      1. Podcasts are great to listen to when working on your blog! It gives me ideas and keeps me motivated. Good luck with your blogging journey (:


      2. Love a morning routine. I used to find it peaceful but now my hubby has started a morning routine too, I’m often disturbed during what I call my time. I journal when I get up and often go for a mindful walk. Podcasts I listen too in the car, awesome for inspiration and motivation. Thanks for sharing the routine tips.

  2. I agree that hitting the snooze totally ruins your brain. I have done it and just as you mentioned, my motivation for the day was completely zapped. I also eat the frog! (LOL) Love this! I actually do this as I find that getting the stuff out of the way that is not as fun to me makes it easier to focus on the things I enjoy and I feel a sense of relief once they are done!

    1. I almost never hit snooze because of that reason! I hate putting away the dishes in the morning, so I always try to do that first lol


    1. We’re all guilty lol (: but I find that not looking at my phone helps me focus on me and not others!


    1. Right?! I hate putting away dishes in the morning, so it’s the first thing I do so I can feel good the rest of the day (:


  3. Yes! Listening to podcasts is my favorite. It keeps me motivated while I experience stressful situations at work. It makes me forget how rough the day was. Thanks for the tips!

    1. Podcasts are so inspirational! I’ll be sure to write a podcast with all my faves (: Thanks for reading!


    1. Just know that your children are so grateful that you get up every morning with love and work hard every day! Thanks for reading (:


  4. Really helpful post I already write in a journal every day however I really need to stop looking at my phone in the morning

    1. Habits get easier with time but you’ll notice a big difference once you stop looking at the phone in the morning!


    1. Love these tips! I’m a night owl, but am trying to be more productive in the mornings. Love the “eat the frog” tip- definitely going to try implementing that as well as many of the others! Thanks so much for sharing!

      1. I used to be a night owl too! Nothing to be ashamed about, the mornings just start a little later lol. “Eat the frog” is something that I MUST do or else I just forget about it.


    1. The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast! So good if you want to know more about business, wellness and mindset.


    1. I hope this can inspire and motivate those going through difficult times but also need to get stuff done. Thanks for reading (:


  5. Great post! I do about half of these most of the time. You inspired me to be more intentional about my morning routine. I love what you said about how the morning routine actually starts the night before. I’ve never looked at it that way, but of course it makes sense!

    1. I struggled with the phone too until I unfollowed people who didn’t motivate or inspire me. Since I’m following less people, I spend less time on social media (:


  6. I love this! Especially the getting ready every day no matter what. I’ve worked remotely for the last 4 years and I used to do that. Lately, I’ve been lazy and staying in my gym clothes all day after the gym. Great reminder! It’s also a confidence booster!

    1. I used to do the same thing, but you will feel SUCH a difference once you stop. Once you get out of bed you can start by “eating the frog” lol (:


  7. The best days in my world kick off with a good workout while listening to a motivational podcast of some form (usually related to business). I feel the difference if I skip this.

    1. I wish I could workout in the morning! I find it so hard to get a good workout in when I first wake up. Maybe listening to music might help lol. What are your favorite business podcasts? I’m always looking for new ones (:


  8. I’m trying to break into a new morning routine. This coming up Tuesday will be 2 weeks since I was let go from my job, so I feel like every waking minute needs to be spent on my freelance business (that I took a break from 6 months ago). I think these would be great ways to start the day, instead of laying in bed checking all the course emails I signed up for.

    1. I feel this way about my blog, but when I’m constantly working on it I get kind of unmotivated. I make sure to stick to a schedule where I leave time for myself in the morning and others, if I need to. Try this morning routine and I promise you will have a productive day. Good luck with your business!! (:


  9. These tips are awesome! I do the countdown thing to get out of bed too, but I have never seen the video so thank you for linking! I definitely look at my phone instantly when I wake up haha and on days I don’t go to work I might be in my pjs the whole day. Gonna try to change those things.

  10. This is a great post. I’ve never needed to set an alarm before to wake up and I think that’s one of the reasons I love mornings so much. They are my most productive hours. On days where I don’t have to go to class, I always start my day with a workout. However, sometimes lazy days are necessary haha.

  11. I loved your post on A Productive Morning Routine For Success. There are so many great tips. Especially the one about not grabbing the phone immediately. As tempting as it is, I can see how it could starve our energy and creativity.

  12. I agree with many of the the tips. However, I guess that if you did them all you would be almost perfect. While I love to be productive I also love to laze around sometimes. It’s true that grabbing the phone first thing in the morning is not so great but after all, I don’t mind checking my likes and photos of others on instagram. With working from home things are so different. Good luck with your blogging and thanks for the interesting tips. Will try to follow some and see how it goes.

  13. I love The Skinny Confidential too! I totally agree with drinking water first thing in the morning. It really does helps a lot in waking your senses. Also, let me just say that I love your blog so much!

  14. These are great simple ideas to incorporate into my mornings. I love the idea of no phone first thing in the morning, thanks!

  15. I agree with all of these tips! Thankfully, I’ve never needed an alarm before so I never have that problem with waking up in the morning and hitting snooze. I really want to start listening to more podcasts. I think that would help start my day.

  16. BEST ideas for a successful morning ! Great tips to get ready for the day! “Eat the frog” I’ll have to remember that ! Great tip !

  17. I can relate to so many points in this article.
    I especially love the get ready no matter what to be really useful.
    thanks for sharing!

  18. Great productive list! I think stying organized, and setting the tone I. A positive perspective each day is extremely beneficial ✨?

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