That Girl TikTok Trend

let’s chat: Becoming “That Girl” TikTok Trend

The trend every girl is doing on TikTok this summer. Healthy and productive habits, plus how to create your own “that girl” routine.

Welcome back to another post in my Let’s Chat series here on the blog. It’s a series where I talk about trending topics in pop culture and take a deeper dive into the subject. 

In case you missed the first post, it was all about how to have a hot girl summer. You can read it here.

Today’s chat: becoming “that girl”. Another trend taking TikTok by storm. This time it has to do with wellness and a lot of green juice.

We all have seen and wanted to be that one girl who has her shit together. The one that wakes up early, exercises, and has the best wellness habits. Well, now TikTok users are challenging themselves to become “that girl”.

Who is “That Girl” and Why Do People Want to be Her?

The “becoming that girl” trend started a few months back and is still very popular on TikTok and Youtube. The trend suggests “that girl” wakes up around 6 am, works out, meditates, journals, drinks green smoothies for breakfast, eats avocado toast, does her skincare, studies, and works hard. Here’s a video showcasing this routine.

@kaylieestewart part 1 of becoming the best version of yourself in 2022 ?? #motivation #thatgirl #healthylifestyle #healthylifestylechange #fyp ♬ this is what falling in love feels like – JVKE

At first, I thought it was a harmless way to promote wellness and good habits but the more videos I saw of this trend, the more I saw a huge issue.

The Message It’s Sending To Young Girls

body image

This trend only shows images of skinny women with flat stomachs and very aesthetic lives. I’ve seen it in almost every video I’ve watched.

Imagine a 12-year-old girl watching these thinking this is an ideal way to look and live their lives.

TikTok’s U.S. audience consists of 80% of users between the ages of 16-34. This means TikTok’s users are generally young teenagers. An age where young women’s bodies are changing the most.

The trend should showcase women of all body types because by now we all know health comes in all shapes and sizes. Health looks different from one woman to the next but for some reason, we are so fixated on looking like “that girl”. (guilty).

Instead, let’s focus on loving our bodies at any size because at the end of the day we are good enough at any part of our journey.


Another issue I saw was the idea that we need to do certain things in order to be our “best self”. If we wake up at 6 am, work out, drink green smoothies, then we are the best versions of ourselves. Isn’t it concerning that we have to change literally everything about ourselves in order to become our “best-self”?

I promise eating avocado toast and waking up early won’t fix all your problems. Loving your current self is your best self. I’m over the idea that if we have this strict perfect routine, then we are worthy.

Your goal shouldn’t be to become this aesthetic perfect person. We should love the person we are now and appreciate our current bodies. We also need to stop idolizing a routine that doesn’t fit with most lives. You are enough and you are your best self right now.


How to Be Your Own Version of “That Girl” (in a non-toxic way)

There are pros and cons to every trend, and at the end of the day becoming “that girl” isn’t a bad thing. She’s productive, has good habits, and good routines.

It’s important to create a routine that resonates and is achievable to you. It should focus on being the best YOU, not striving for one very specific type of body or idea of health.

Here are some good healthy habits “that girl” has that focus on happiness and making your body and mind feel good.

1. drink  64 oz of water

2. meditate

3. move your body every day

4. skincare (sunscreen is a must)

5.  eat more fruits and veggies

6. read self-help books

7. go for a walk

8. wear cute clothes that you love

9. start a gratitude journal

10.  practice words of affirmation (ex. I am enough, I have a purpose)

that girl routine

Let me know in the comments how you feel about this TikTok trend. Would you try the “that girl” routine?

Until next time,

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  1. I love that you bring up this topic and trend. I will never understand why waking up at 6am and eating avocado toast is supposed to mean you have your life together. It’s interesting how it’s never about waking up at a time that’s right for *your* body or eating foods that are right for *your* body. You know?

  2. This is so true! I never realized how unhealthy it is until now. I love the aesthetic of the videos, but I can see how they could harm younger girls who are insecure about their own lives when they’re seeing these girls living “perfect” lives. I think about when I make my own tik toks how I curate the videos to look a certain way and depict a certain lifestyle. It’s defintely fun, but I think younger people need to be taught more about how social media is not real life.

    1. I honestly cannot imagine being young and having social media. I love social media, but I also think it’s more for adults than a younger audience.

  3. “I’m over the idea that if we have this strict perfect routine, then we are worthy.” Amen sistah, PREACH! I have long since given up on tying a strict anything to personal worth. And, I agree that this one trend in a single kind of lifestyle puts an unnecessary burden on a world full of unique people.

    But, to be fair – I’m a rebel at heart. I naturally look at trends and immediately want to pick them apart. The moment I see “we”, “I” get my hackles raised. I don’t like being “we’ed”.

    Coming to you from the Blogging Boss Chicks group <3

    1. Yes, we are all unique! It’s crazy how everyone is trying to live their lives all the same way. I finally found a routine that works for me and makes me happy!

  4. This trend of “that girl” has been around for many years. So many YouTubers that talk about productivity follow similar routines that are perfect and aesthetic. Then you see their average day of them rolling out of bed all exhausted looking and it’s nothing like those videos. I feel like most of those people lie about their morning routines to improve their views on social media.

    1. I see perfect morning routines on TikTok all the time and I can’t help but think are these real because my routine looks nothing like this haha.

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