how to have a hot girl summer


Everything you need to know about hot girl summer, how to be your most confident, cute summer clothes, and my favorite ab and glute workouts.

Today I wanted to introduce a new series on my blog called: Let’s Chat. It’s where I will be talking about trending topics in pop culture and taking a deeper dive into the subject.

Think of it as us having an iced coffee at a cafe while I give you the 411 on what’s trending in fashion, wellness, beauty, and the girl world.

I would love for this to be an open conversation, so any comments or opinions are welcome in the comment section. Just remember to keep it positive and light-hearted!

Today’s chat: hot girl summer. It was inspired by the What We Said podcast episode on Hot Girl Summer 101 (listen here: Spotify, Apple). I loved everything they had to say about confidence and comparing yourself to others, so I wanted to give my two cents on the topic.

What’s a hot girl summer?

The phrase started when Megan Thee Stallion came out with a song featuring Nicki Minaj called hot girl summer (listen here) in 2019. So what does it mean? Megan says

“Being a Hot Girl is about being unapologetically YOU, having fun, being confident, living YOUR truth, being the life of the party etc.”

-Megan Thee Stallion

Essentially, being a hot girl has nothing to do with your appearance. It’s about loving yourself, enjoying life, and being free in the world. As women, we are constantly told that we should have a “summer body” or get “bikini body ready”.

I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to have a flat stomach or no cellulite to be confident in a bikini. Comparing yourself to others is useless. You’re ready to have a hot girl summer starting now! Let’s get into it.

Hot Girl Summer 101

Confidence is A Mindset

First, let’s start off by erasing the idea that you need to look a certain way to have a hot girl summer. You’re hot, you’re smart and you’re worthy of having a good fucking time. Once you erase society’s beauty standards, I promise you’ll feel liberated and start living your life for yourself. 

One day I decided, I don’t have to look good when I leave the house. I don’t have to dress, talk or act a certain way to be liked. 

You get to decide how you see life, yourself, and others around you. Loving and caring for yourself makes the biggest difference when it comes to confidence, not having your dream body. 

If you’re not loving yourself every step of the way, you’re going to miss out on life, laughs, love, experiences, and a good time.

Stop Comparing Yourself

Girl, don’t do it! Do not compare yourself to other women. Chelsey & Jaci touch base on this in their podcast. They said comparing yourself is useless because people are only thinking about themselves. People are literally only thinking about how they look and not others around them.

A little tip I always try to remind myself when I leave the house looking like trash: I will probably never see these people again. And if I do, who cares. If men can walk around in cargo shorts and sandals (a literal crime), then I can walk around with sweatpants and no makeup.

Okay finally, let’s glow up (in confidence) and have a hot girl summer.

“Hot Girl” Clothes

I’ll write a whole blog post on summer clothes but until then here is a day to night outfit. It’s time to start wearing less and going out more, ladies. For a day look, I love a simple fit, sneakers, and sunglasses. For a nighttime look, change to heeled sandals and jeans.

Swimsuits / Swimwear

Wearing a swimsuit around people still makes me uncomfortable to this day. I’m always afraid I’m showing too much, my stomach isn’t flat enough, or my boobs will pop out. Whatever the insecurity is that day, swimsuits aren’t my favorite. I prefer bikini bottoms and an oversized t-shirt.

Remember to only wear something you are comfortable and confident in. You’re going to feel better and you’re going to enjoy your time instead of worrying about what you’re wearing. Whether it’s a bikini, one-piece, or tankini, make sure you feel cute in it!

My Favorite At-Home Workouts

Not gonna lie, I like to work out before the summer starts. Nothing wrong with wanting to look a little more toned and hide the fact that I ate way too much bread during the winter.

Note: I’m only including this section because I know others like to work out more around this time, so I thought I’d share my favorite ones. If working out makes you feel confident then there’s no shame in that.

I go into detail here about why I work out and why I no longer do it for my appearance.

I have a few favorite at-home workouts I like to do and give results. These are some of my favorites:

Thanks for chatting with me today. I wish you nothing but love and positivity on your self-love journey. Try to be kinder to yourself this week. Happy hot girl summer, everyone!

comment: what’s something you admire about yourself?

Until next time,

FTC: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links at no extra cost to you.

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  1. Love this post! One of the things I love to read about most is body positivity and really loving yourself inside and out. I think with society being what it is these days, it’s always important to have that little reminder to love ourselves no matter what because we are beautiful just the way we are ❤️ Great job!

    1. Yes, I totally agree! I think taking a step back and thinking about what really makes you happy and taking care of yourself is so important to our mental health.


  2. I love this series! Okay, I am so ready for hot girl summer. I am the most confident I have ever been and I am ready to have new, fun experiences. I’ve been revamping my workouts, my skincare routine, and my outfits to prepare (which isn’t necessary, but it makes me feel good).

    1. I’m happy you like the new series! I’m so excited to write more! Girl, me too!!! Have fun this summer ?


  3. It’s so hard sometimes not to compare yourself to other people – especially with the way beauty is idolized in the U.S. But so important for self-confidence.

    1. I agree! Some days are much harder than others but at the end of the day, looks don’t make me happy. I try to focus on what really matters to me and sometimes my appearance isn’t one of them!


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