MAY RESET ROUTINE | Goal Setting, Routines, and Monthly Favorites
May monthly reset routine talking about goal setting for a new month, launching my first digital product, and my monthly favorites.
Happy first day of May, everyone. It’s always so satisfying when a new month starts on a Monday. It’s perfect for a monthly reset routine! April was way calmer than March, you can read about that here, but still very productive. Let’s start by looking into last month’s goals.
This is the monthly reset routine I follow every month.
May Monthly Reset
Last Month’s Goals
Health + Wellness:
✓ Try new pilates and ab exercises
✕ Meal prep snacks, breakfast, and lunches
✓ Get movement in every day
✕ Read 2 books
✓ Practice Spanish
✓ Buy a duvet cover and style nightstand
✓ Start posting on TikTok and IG again
✓ Post more IG stories
✓ Post 4 blog posts and a newsletter
This was probably my best month so far! Setting goals each month is really helping me focus on the bigger goals that I set at the beginning of the year. My everyday routines are now habits, my mindset is changing and I feel like I’m on the right path to reaching my yearly goals!
Journal Prompts
What did I accomplish this month?
I officially launched my first Notion Template! I’m so happy it’s finally out and ready to share with everyone. I set out to create my ideal Notion planner where I can keep all my planners, trackers, and routines in one place. Not to brag but it’s honestly perfect. I’ve been using Notion for years and I finally have a template I’m happy with and now everyone can use it too!
How was I feeling this month? Why?
I was feeling excited about the launch because I’d never sold anything before. It’s exciting and scary to start new projects but I’m so happy I actually started and finished it.
What events happened this month?
Watching Bad Bunny at Coachella from my bed was probably the only exciting event that happened in April, but his performance was so good!
List some things you learned this month.
Starting new things can be intimidating but finishing them can be so rewarding. This is your sign to try something new even if you’re unsure of the outcome — start today!
What can I do better next month?
Although I’m tired at night, I should try to stay off my phone. I go on TikTok for way too long at night so I want to find another habit that is relaxing and doesn’t take too much brain power.
Highs and Lows
Highs: Launching the Notion template and ending the month with 28,000 monthly views on the blog!
Lows: Spending too much time consuming and less time creating.
May Goals
Health + Wellness:
• Get movement in every day
• Try new full-body workouts
• Try new recipes
• Read 1 book
• Create a language page on Notion
• Create a social media calendar on Notion
• Post consistently on Instagram and TikTok
• Post 2 blog posts every week + 1 newsletter
• Post an IG story every day
Vision Board

Current Favorites
Desk Mat
I’ve been on the hunt for a desk mat and this one from Amazon is perfect for my desk. It’s off-white, faux leather, and has a non-slip side. The reason I wanted a desk mat instead of a mousepad is because I use two monitors. It makes it way easier to move the mouse around both screens. It also just looks cute on my desk!

Duvet Cover & Shams
If you’ve been keeping up with the blog posts, then you would know I have been slowly redecorating my room. I finally got a duvet cover and I love it! It’s a washed polyester fabric which means it’s breathable and perfect for the warmer months. I highly recommend this one if you’re looking for something affordable, but still soft and high quality.
Eyelash Curler
I have been buying the Revlon eyelash curler since high school and I thought it was good until I bought this Tweezerman one. It’s 1000x better than the Revlon one and it’s only $12. It honestly works a little too well because if I curl them for more than 5 seconds my eyelashes touch my eyebrows. Insane, run don’t walk.

Gel Cleanser
I have sensitive skin so I’ve always used the Cetaphil cleanser for sensitive skin. Out of the blue, my skin started to burn every time I used it. It would turn my skin bright red for a couple of hours after using it. I thought something was wrong with my skin but it turns out it was the cleanser. I switched to this Honest Beauty one and it is so nice! It’s perfect for sensitive skin and doesn’t leave your skin feeling dry after using it.
The Deal by Elle Kennedy
For my book of the month, I read The Deal by Elle Kennedy. It’s about two college students at Briar U – one a singer, the other a star hockey player. He needs help passing an exam, she needs help getting the attention of a football player. They make a deal where they will both help each other, but the deal soon turns into something else. This was a quick spicy read and I loved the characters. It’s a 5 book series so I plan on reading all of them! I rate this one a 7/10. Some parts were just a little too cringe for me!

Until next time,

FTC: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission for purchases made through my links at no extra cost to you. Thank you for the support and as always all opinions are my own.