“That Girl” Night Routine: Healthy & Relaxing + FREE CHECKLIST
A “That Girl” night routine that is healthy and relaxing so you can get the best sleep, plus a free checklist.
Welcome back to my “That Girl” series where I share everything you need to be “That Girl”. Today we are talking about a night routine, self-care, and healthy habits. In order to get quality sleep, you must have healthy night habits. Here are 10 steps for your new “That Girl” night routine.
“That Girl” Night Routine
1. Unwind
After a long day, there’s nothing better than unwinding. Light a candle, dim the lights and turn on some light music. This sets the tone that it’s nighttime and it’s time to relax. Your day is coming to an end so your mind and body should be focused on relaxing and recovering.
2. 30 Minutes of Movement
This is especially important if you work at a desk all day. Moving your body for a least 30 minutes every day helps with blood flow, better sleep, anxiety and strengthens muscles. It could be cardio, pilates, yoga, or a walk, as long as you’re moving your body.
3. Healthy Dinner
It’s important to have a healthy dinner to help lower inflammation, better digestion, and get good sleep. Pinterest has amazing and quick dinner recipes if you need some inspiration. Also, meal planning will help make eating healthy sustainable and less stressful.
4. Shower + Self-Care
A hot, steamy shower or bath is the best part of a night routine. Popping in a bath bomb, lighting a candle, and dimming the lights. Self-care is not selfish, so make it a whole spa experience. Dry brush your body, put on a hair mask, and end with lotion and body serum.
5. Skincare Routine
If you want glowy, hydrated skin then you need to have a skincare routine. A skincare routine is personal to everyone so make sure you are using products that work for your skin type and not trendy products. It also doesn’t need to be a 10-step routine. A cleanser, moisturizer, and eye cream are my go-to everyday products.
robe // pajamas // bath bombs // skincare // yoga mat // journal
6. Reflect On The Day
Life is stressful and sometimes the chaos takes over us. Take some time in your night routine to reflect on your day. Focus on your accomplishments, gratitude, and what could be better the next day. The Five Minute Journal is a popular journal for self-reflection. You could also use a journal and ask yourself the same questions, either way works perfectly.
7. Prepare for the Next Day
Lay out your clothes for the next day, your gym outfit, or plan the next day. Getting some things ready for tomorrow will help with stress, save you time and allow you to sleep in. This will also help your “that girl” morning routine go more smoothly!
8. Make Time for Hobbies
Instead of doom-scrolling on social media, try picking up a hobby. Reading, puzzles, writing, learning a new language, whatever it may be. Taking some time for yourself is more important than videos on TikTok, I promise.
9. No Screen 30 Minutes Before Bed
That leads us to another important step, no screen time 30 minutes before bed. The light from your phone sends an alert to your brain that it’s still daytime and you should stay awake. Put your brain and your mind to rest by leaving your phone on your nightstand and not in your face at one in the morning.
10. Turn On “Do Not Disturb”
Lastly, turn on “do not disturb” on your phone. It will turn off all notifications from your email, social media, and other apps. This allows for uninterrupted sleep throughout the night. Emergencies happen so the only expectation I have is to allow calls and messages because you just never know.
Until next time,
FTC: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission for purchases made through my links at no extra cost to you. Thank you for the support and as always all opinions are my own.
I love this i was trying to look up the best nigh routine i saw yours and i loveed it it was meat to be next i am going to looking up morning routins on this thank you so much i just want to look pretty again thank you so much
I’m sure you’re already so pretty
so cute and it rly helped
So happy it helped!